AWS Account

The next step is to connect your AWS account to Sprinters.

For this you’ll need the credentials of an AWS user that has enough permissions for Sprinters to launch, list and terminate EC2 instances.

You can achieve this by

  1. Creating an IAM policy with the required permissions
  2. Creating an IAM user with that policy attached
  3. Creating credentials for that IAM user
  4. Connecting your AWS account to Sprinters using those credentials


Sprinters strictly adheres to the principle of least-privilege and only requests this absolute minimum set of permissions to be able to operate:

Action Usage
ec2:RunInstances Launch ephemeral EC2 instances for your runners
ec2:CreateTags Tag those EC2 instances as runners
ec2:DescribeInstances List runner EC2 instances and check whether they are running
ec2:ModifyVolume Optimize boot speed of runner EC2 instances
ec2:TerminateInstances Clean up runner EC2 instances in case they fail to gracefully shut down
ec2:DescribeSpotPriceHistory Automatically select cheapest availability zone for spot instances and calculate savings

Just as important as the permissions Sprinters has, are the permissions Sprinters doesn’t have:

  • no login access to your EC2 instances
  • no access to the contents of your EBS volumes
  • no access to your EBS snapshots

Create the IAM policy

This IAM policy sets the permissions your IAM user will have.

Create the required policy in the AWS Console

To do so, paste this policy document:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "sprinters",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": ["*"]

in the JSON policy editor:

AWS Console JSON policy editor

Assign it the sprinters-policy name and create it:

AWS Console policy name

Your IAM policy is now fully set up.

Create the IAM user

Now you’ll need an IAM user which will have that policy attached.

Create the required user in the AWS Console

Give your user the sprinters-user name:

AWS Console user name

Then attach your newly created sprinters-policy:

AWS Console user policy

And finalize the user’s creation:

AWS Console user creation

Your IAM user is now fully set up.

Create the credentials

Your IAM user now needs credentials.

Create the required credentials in the AWS Console

Select Other:

AWS Console access key type

And confirm the creation:

AWS Console access key creation

Connect your AWS account

Finally copy both the access key and the secret access key from the AWS Console:

AWS Console access key copy

And paste them into Sprinters:

Sprinters access key paste


Congratulations! Your AWS account is now successfully connected to Sprinters:

AWS account connected

All that’s left to do is run your first workflow job using Sprinters.

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