
Run your GitHub Actions jobs
10x cheaper
on your own AWS account

Secure, ephemeral, high-performance, low-cost runners within the privacy of your own VPC.

Launch in the region and subnet of your choice, right-size your instances and disks, and directly access all required services without having to expose them over the public internet.

All with a simple one line change in your GitHub Actions workflow yml:

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: sprinters:aws:ubuntu-latest
Log in with GitHub to get started
1000 jobs FREE in your first 30 days
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Ubuntu · x64 · arm64

Your runners, on your AWS account.

On demand, ephemeral and with zero maintenance.

On Demand

Sprinters launches runners on demand on your AWS account. No pre-provisioning, no idle capacity.


Each runner is an ephemeral EC2 instance that launches when a job starts and automatically terminates when it completes.

Zero Maintenance

One instance per job, always fresh, up to date and launched in seconds. No images to maintain. No infrastructure to run.

Larger runners. Larger disks. x64 and arm64.

Runners in all sizes. From tiny to humongous, and everything in between.

Sprinters GitHub (Private Repo) GitHub (Public Repo) GitHub (Larger Runners)
vCPU 1 - 192 2 4 2 - 64
RAM 0.5 - 1536 GB 7 GB 16 GB 8 - 256 GB
Storage 1 - 16384 GB 14 GB 14 GB 75 - 2040
CPU Arch x64 + arm64 x64 x64 + arm64 (beta) x64 + arm64
Scalable Instances

Need lots of CPU? Plenty of RAM? Or very little? Select the right instance type from a wide array of choices.

Scalable Disks

Freely adjust the runner disk space from a few GB to multiple TB.

x64 and arm64

Pick the best CPU architecture for the job. Intel, AMD and ARM instances are fully supported.

Where, which and how. The choice is yours.

Flexible placement of runners across AWS accounts, regions and markets.

Multiple Accounts

Launch all your runners in the same AWS account. Or use a different one per repository, workflow or job. The choice is yours.

Multiple Regions

Put your runners next to the infrastructure they need. Pick the required region, VPC or subnet and never unnecesarily expose a resource over the public internet again.

On-Demand or Spot

Go uninterrupted with On-Demand instances. Or go for maximum savings with Spot. Optionally with cheapest availability zone auto-selection.

Pricing: simple, transparent and fair.

You bring your own AWS account. Sprinters runs the jobs.
You save ~90% per build minute. Every build minute.

Public Repository Private Repository
FREE $0.01 per job

1000 jobs free during your first 30 days

Per job pricing

No monthly subscriptions. No long term commitments or contracts. No hidden costs. Simple per minute pricing. You only pay for what you use.

10x cheaper

Total cost per minute is usually around 10x cheaper than the equivalent runner from GitHub. Much more compute at the same price or the same compute at a much lower price. The choice is yours.

Scale to zero

Scale to zero. Or to infinity. No management infrastructure to run. Just your runners. For the duration of your jobs. At an unbeatable price.

Get started with a one-line change.

Easy to try. Easy to leave. No complicated migrations. No lock-in.

To migrate to Sprinters, simply set up your AWS account and
change one line in your GitHub Actions workflow yml:

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: sprinters:aws:ubuntu-latest

That's it. Literally.

Log in with GitHub to get started
1000 jobs FREE in your first 30 days

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Unsubscribe at any time. No spam ever. We hate it just as much as you do.

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𝕏 Bluesky

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