New for you

We're constantly making Sprinters better.

Here are some of the notable features and improvements that we’ve made to Sprinters since it first launched.

AWS c6g, c7g, c8g, r6g, r7g and r8g instance support

Need more compute, but not more RAM? Or more RAM, but not more compute? You can now right-size your AWS arm64 runners by picking compute-optimized c6g, c7g and c8g instances and RAM-optimized r6g, r7g and r8g instances.

Free for public repositories

Sprinters is now free for public repositories. You can now combine this with the AWS free tier to get AWS runners at zero cost.

Adjustable root, swap and temp volume performance

In addition to configuring the size of the swap and temp volumes, you can now also configure the performance of the root, swap and temp volumes. High-performance volumes significantly reduce run times for I/O-bound jobs.

Simplified per job pricing

We've simplified Sprinters' pricing to make it both clearer and more predicable. Sprinters now costs $0.01 per job for any number of vCPUs, any number of build minutes and any number of concurrent jobs.

AWS m5, m5a, m6a, m6i and m7a instance support

Looking for the lowest-cost per hour general purpose x64 instances that don't depend on CPU credits? Sprinters now has you covered with m5, m5a, m6a, m6i and m7a instances.

AWS instance profile support

You can now access resources in your AWS account from your runners without the need to store long-lived AWS credentials as GitHub Actions secrets. By appending an IAM instance profile name to your label, your runner instance will automatically have AWS credentials available with the permissions of the IAM role linked to that instance profile.

AWS c7i, c7i-flex and r7i instance support

Need more compute, but not more RAM? Or more RAM, but not more compute? You can now right-size your AWS x64 runners by picking compute-optimized c7i and c7i-flex instances and RAM-optimized r7i instances.

ubuntu-22.04-arm image support

Just like for the Ubuntu 24.04 one, you can now also choose the ubuntu-22.04-arm image for arm64 runners, which is identical to the official one from GitHub.

AWS ap-northeast-1 and us-west-2 region support

You now have two more AWS regions to choose from: ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo) and us-west-2 (Oregon).

ubuntu-24.04-arm image support

In addition to the minimal image, you can now also choose the ubuntu-24.04-arm image for arm64 runners. This image is identical to the official one from GitHub.

AWS m6g, m7g and m8g instance support

Good news for arm64 users! You can now launch your runners on AWS using m6g, m7g and m8g instances.

Simplified CloudFormation-based AWS account setup

Getting set up is now easier with our new Cloudformation-based setup which eliminates a number of manual steps.

AWS m7i-flex.12xlarge and m7i-flex.16xlarge instance support

You can now launch your runners on AWS using m7i-flex.12xlarge and m7i-flex.16xlarge instances.

AWS eu-west-1 region support

You can now launch your runners in the eu-west-1 (Ireland) AWS region.

Further restrict AWS IAM policy by default

We believe in defense in depth and with our new IAM policy we enforce further restrictions on the actions Sprinters can perform on your AWS account.

Initial public release 🎉

Welcome to Sprinters!
The day GitHub Actions runners changed for the better!
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𝕏 Bluesky

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